Thanks To Mbah Google

Without many words, at this time I want to say thanks to Mister Google, or if in my country, Indonesia, is a familiar name Mbah Google !!!
What's going on !?
So I felt I should like to say thanks to Mbah Google, which in reality is actually Mbah Google doesnt know me, an ordinary human child from Kota Daeng, Makassar-Indonesia, who learn to be servants of ALLAH SANG KHALIQ,  to win the blessing of ALLAH and to get  heaven of ALLAH.
But I know about Mbah Google a very famous throughout the world, the giant Internet Search Engine and Internet Company that is in the world.
However, I feel have the emotional closeness with Mbah Google, because I frequently interact with him through cyberspace, which is when seeking information that I needed to support the activities of my daily life, in search of fortune bite of rice and a plate of diamonds :-) Insya ALLAH, aamiin.

At the time of surfing in cyberspace with the help from Mbah Google, I get the information that surprising, but really make the heart happy as a blogger, because BlogS of Hariyanto get SITELINKS from Mbah Google.
Wow, thanks Mbah Google :-)

Do sahabat-sahabit blogger around the world know what is meant SITELINKS ??
For those who do not know, I take the quote from Mbah Google explanation about SITELINKS, ie:

"The links shown below some of Google's search results, called SITELINKS, are meant to help users navigate your site. Google's systems analyze the link structure of your site to find shortcuts that will save users time and allow them to quickly find the information they're looking for."

And what's interesting is, when the cursor on the arrows point to the right of sitelinks, it will appear briefly reviews of BlogS of Hariyanto page
For example, when entering into the Mbah Google Search Box, keyword Blogs of Hariyanto and press ENTER on your keyboard,  then it will appear like  the following picture.

Next, still in the search for information with the help of Mbah Google, once again I get a pleasant surprise of soul and body as a Blogger, because BlogS of Hariyanto get PageRank 3 from Mbah Google.
Wow, thanks again Mbah Google :-)

"PageRank is a patented algorithm that serves to determine which web sites are more important / popular. PageRank is one of the main features of the Google search engine and created by its founder of Google, Larry Page and Sergey Brin who is a Ph.D. student Stanford University."

Why and how BlogS of Hariyanto can get Google Sitelinks and PageRank 3 from Mbah Google, until now I can not explain, because I have not understood in detail. Maybe someday, when I know and understand how to get it, then I will make a special post about it
But whatever it is, both giving from Mbah Google really makes me happy as a blogger, who is a newcomer in the blogging world
That is the reason, why I felt I should like to say thanks to Mbah Google.
Once again, thanks to Mbah Google :-)


Unknown said...

Itu khan bukti nyata bahwa sobat unggul dimata google.Mungkin karena rutinnya posting,materi yang ori,banyak lagi yang menjadi pertimbangan google untuk memungkinkan meraih prestasi tsb.Selamat untuk raihan yang sudah digenggaman,mari kita melangkah untuk bisa lebih baik lagi,thanks to mbah google.

ASPeMusik said...

good achievement. and congratulations for the gift sitelink from google

Rama88 said...

walaupun gw gak ngerti sama tulisan di atas, dan mesti pake translate dulu,, gw ucapin selamat buat sitelink dan PR3 nya dari google mas,, :) semakin disayang sama paman google nih,, hehehe,,

Elsa said...

Hola amigo, primero quiero felicitarte por la popularidad de tu blog.
Segundo, me alegra muchísimo que te hallas llegado hasta mi blog,y dejar un comentario.
Tercero, quiero decirte que me produce una gran alegría que te sumes como visitante de mi blog, como lo ha hecho Er'end y Rama88, dos amigos de Indonesia que tuve la oportunidad de conocer a través de Internet.
Un fuerte abrazo desde Argentina, y deseos de que continúes teniendo muchos éxitos!

Kang Topjer said...

sipppp,, selamat buat kang har, moga bisa nmbah semangat posting n blogwalking dah

Unknown said...

selamat ya sob. atas pencapaian sitelink dari google. benar sahabat Er'end. google punya pertimbangan untuk memberi hadiah sitelink tersebut. semoga blog sahabat makin maju.... syukron

robbie.blogger said...

congrats to Abang Haryanto who his blog has index to Google search engine.

Nurmayanti Zain said...

semangat !

congratulation hari :)

barakallahu fiik~

Rama88 said...

follow balik telah terlaksana sob,, terima kasih,, maaf belom follow2 hehhee,, :D

Sinto said...

WoW keren daeng selamat ya

Bunda sylaa said...

selamat kak har,wahh penghargaan nih dari om google,,,,,
semoga tambah semangat nulisnya dan jadi inspirasi buat yang lain:)

21inchs said...

Selamat yay, kapan ya bisa nyusul seperti bapak ini?

Aneka news media informasi online said...

wow, succes for your blog... i think your are blogger profesional... good job :D said...

selamat mas, atas PR 3 nya,
semoga makin sukses.
mbah Google memberikan penghargaan istimewa.

zaenal Blog said...

Congratulation my Friend,
I see thats your Rank. Great Job,
I Always Support u Mas Haryanto

Anisayu Nastutik said...

dengan senyum aroma cinta
kuberikan padamu dg rela
selamat ya dah dapat PR tiga
semoga makin berjaya....

Yadi Karnadi said...

Selamat sob, atas pencapaiannya... Semoga makin semangat nge-post....

Princess Kaurvaki said...

wuihhhh.... keren mas. selamat yah, tetep berprestasi yah...
Princess Kaurvaki belum dapet page rank nih, harus lebih rajin posting lagi kayaknya :)

Beben Koben said...

congrats congrats

Farixsantips said...

wahhh menggunakan bahasa inggris supaya google bisa mengetahuinya kah? :D huahahaha mantap sekali sob kemajuan blog sobat sangat pesat ya :) alhamdulillah sobat dapat siltelink, aku ikut seanng :)

arie5758 said...

selamat atas pagerank yang dicapai sob, tetaplah berkarya dan share informasi buat pemula seperti saya :)

cardiacku said...

Selamat atas PR 3 nya sobat serta site link nya

Saleho said...

setelah 3 nanti 4 gan

binkbenk said...

selamat sob

Unknown said...

Sukses selalu to BlogS of Hariyanto.. Thanks to Mbah Google!

Ladida Cafe said...

woww nice, congratulation ^^
it means ur blog is loved by google too :D

Robin PayTren said...

mantap ye...

Aris said...

the same like me... but I forget to say thnaks to google... serach by keyword "arissugianto". It's mine.. heheh

then, follow back is success.. :)

Liandri eko said...

wah makin mantap saja blognya dapet hadiah site link n page rank 3 dari google. selamat y sob, semoga makin semangat ne.

Unknown said...

selamat atas PR ma sitelinknya ysob?

rendratwa said...

seeep ... selamat ya sobat atas pencapaian sitelink dari google, semoga blognya makin sukses.

Ririe Khayan said...

Great achievement and I'd like to say congratulations for you, for the sitelink and PR. It's must be special gift ...once again, great and good job...keep happy blogging and inspiring each others

weblog ask said...

nice post..lanjutkan perjuangan, kr mbah sdh mensupport blog anda..sukses buat BlogS of Hariyanto

mobil honda said...

selamat buat blogs hariyanto semoga makin sukses selalu. memang bagus kok artikelnya jadi dipandang mbah google layak dapatkan bintang

AdHiE ToKeKx said...

selamat gan...

follback sukses no. 327 ..

jual sepatu kerja pria said...

wah selamat yah gan

Obat Sakit 2011 said...

selamat gan
semoga blogku juga terkena imbasnya

Fazri said...

selamat ya gan. blog anda dibaca mbah google sangat menarik. berarti bisa lebih mudah mendaftar google adsense dong...

Rai-chan said...

pagerank itu untuk apa ya? hehehe maaf masih newbie^^

catatan kecilku said...

jadi sekarang sudah PR 3 ya..? Selamat kalau gitu! Semoga makin semangat ngeblognya :)

Mharjipes Blog said...

Selamat Yagh Sobat,, Salam kenal Blogger MakassaR

bunggsu said...

wach,sipp kang,semoga si mbah mendengar ucapan nya,hehe mantab mantab,,

Ramadhan Fnw said...

wah makin mantab nih, selamat deh buat PR nya.. ^^

Catatan Ardha said...

Selamat ya sob, tapi kalau ada trik khusus tolong saya dibisikin caranya juga

Andre Pandet Rank Khoerai said...

semoga blog nya semakin jaya..
Happy blogging...:D

Shireishou said...

wah... 150++ jml visit perhari gimana ga page rank 3 kk. Duh kapan yah saya bs age rank3. huhuhuhuhuh
(maih N/A ya iya lah blog jg br 4 hari. wahahahah

Azis Grafis said...

Selamat Kawan atas kenaikan PR nya, kalo Blogku kayanya tetap PR nya. :(

Unknown said...

Ih asik banget ya, pingin juga kayak gitu...apalah resepnya >.<
Bagi2 donk...
Sukses selalu kak...:)

dokunimus said...

Ane juga sudah dapat sitelink gan. tapi untuk pagerank sih belum.
Thanks mbah google.

Oh ya gan follow sukses no. 336. Foto naruto. Follbacknya saya tunggu.

Nizwa Ayuni said...

wahhh selamat selamat!
memang ga salah google meberikan rank 3 untuk blog ini! salut!! d(^.^)

Rad Sujanto said...

Saya belum tahu banyak juga soal Pagerank. Tapi Kalaupun soal Sitelinks, sudah tahu. Hehe

Selamat! And, salam kenal! :)

Blog Amatiran said...

Waw...selamat ya sob, smoga blognya smakin sukses nih...
kapan yah Blog Amatiran di lirik spesial sm mbah gugel....moga Blog Amatiran bisa sgera menyusul...hehehe.... :D

Desa Cilembu said...

Selamat..memang layak untuk om google memberi reward pada blog ini, desa diam-diam banyak belajar dari sini (tapi ga copas loh..hehe). sukses terus om kebanggaan dan kepuasan jadi milik om.

Dunia Agatossi said...

Mantap blognya gan...ada foto pantai losarinya...hehehe...salut sama blogny dan pemiliknya...:-)

Unknown said...

wau sungguh membanggakan, saya juga seperti itu blognya sob ,,,

aq juga bertrima kasih juga sob ,,,,

Mang Lembu said...

selamat dan sukses selalu, bagi atuh ilmunya

Unknown said...

Selamat ya Sob ......
Semoga bisa jadi penyemangat dan tambah OK lagi blognya .....
Semoga aku bisa ketularan.

Benny Dwi said...

keren sob,,,
selamat PR 3 nya
sukses selalu :D

Benny Dwi said...

wuih,,, keren banget sob :D
absen siang

Fahmi Athailla said...

mantab, udah dapet pagerank 3, terus dapet sitelink lagi....
selamat gan :D

Ummiega said...

Selamat sore dan selamat atas prestasinya. Kita tahu bagaimana Google memberikan apresiasinya pada blogger dan kita berharap akan terus berkarya memberikan tulisan yang bermanfaat untuk banyak orang.

Bukan Master said...

Wah ..
Dapet penghargaan Dari Mbah googleya ?
Selamet ya ..

Tebinfea said...

Hello dear friend.
Good day.

RUCKUS said...

wahh selamat yah gan,udah rank 3..
semoga sukses selalu gan..