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Hariyanto Wijoyo | 5 komentar

Al Quran Raksasa

Giant Al Qur'an
Collection of Yayasaan Masjid Raya Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan Indonesia

Size : 1 x 1,5 Meter
Weight : 584 Kg

Number of Sheets, 605 sheets
Number of Verses, 6.666 verses
Number of Surah, 114 Surah
Number of Juz, 30 Juz
High quality paper made ​​of paper companies PERUM PERURI
The ink is made from a mixture of china ink, water liquid tea,
which serves for the ink to remain durable attached to the paper.
Brush to write specially made from bamboo material.
Verses written in black using special markers.

Making process, 12 months.
Maker and writer K.H. Muntaha Ahmad Faqih (son of Al-hafidz Muntaha KH) - Yayasan Al Asy'riah Kalibeber Wonosobo Central Java, Indonesia.

Storage area specifically made ​​of teak wood is dried for 7 months, so that lasting hundreds of years.

Category : , , , , , , , , , , ,

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5 komentar

  1. camp says:

    Videonya ga jalan gan

  2. Wow di makasar ada AlQUR'AN yang termasuk besar juga ya...?

  3. tambah banyak artikel2 islamta..mudah2an tambah banyak amalta daeng..

  4. wah al Qur'an raksasa ya mas hariyanto, jd pengen lihat...

  5. Wuihhh besar jg ya Alqurannya sob. Keren nih infonya.

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5 komentar

  1. camp says:

    Videonya ga jalan gan

  2. Wow di makasar ada AlQUR'AN yang termasuk besar juga ya...?

  3. tambah banyak artikel2 islamta..mudah2an tambah banyak amalta daeng..

  4. wah al Qur'an raksasa ya mas hariyanto, jd pengen lihat...

  5. Wuihhh besar jg ya Alqurannya sob. Keren nih infonya.

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